How might we develop a school culture that is healthy, resilient, and adaptable?

Systems thinking is a concept championed by Peter Senge in “The Fifth Discipline”, which encourages us to unlearn the siloed thinking of the past and recognise interconnectedness and complexity. Emotions play a crucial role in learning and social interaction. As we cultivate emotional awareness, we become more adept at regulating our responses and being intentional about how we show up in any environment. This aligns with the idea of generative social fields, where the quality of relationships and interactions within a community shapes its ability to thrive. By integrating systems thinking, emotional intelligence, and insights from nature, we can create educational environments that are not only effective but also nurturing and sustainable. Peter Senge reminds us, “Leadership is the ability of a human community to move towards a preferred future” (and I think this is the first time I have heard a definition of leadership as collective rather than individual).

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